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When you become a LANDA Insider you will receive valuable information about all our upcoming projects.

  • * Mandatory fields. I hereby consent to receive emails from Landa Global Properties Ltd. and their respective current and future affiliates and subsidiaries. This may include pricing, floor plans for current and future products, sales updates, event invitations, announcements, corporate newsletters, and other contact. I understand that I can unsubscribe at any time.


Lucent是一座标志性的26层高楼,旨在为素里充满活力的市中心City Centre社区的持续变革注入新活力。





135A Street + 106 Avenue Surrey BC Canada



Become a LANDA insider

When you become a LANDA Insider you will receive valuable information about all our upcoming projects.

  • * Mandatory fields. I hereby consent to receive emails from Landa Global Properties Ltd. and their respective current and future affiliates and subsidiaries. This may include pricing, floor plans for current and future products, sales updates, event invitations, announcements, corporate newsletters, and other contact. I understand that I can unsubscribe at any time.